42 Affordable Housing Units will be built over the next three years image

42 Affordable Housing Units will be built over the next three years

$35,900 raised

$250,000 goal

/ 150


The Fluvanna-Louisa Housing Foundation is developing the largest project in its history. Over the next three years, the Foundation will be building a total of 42 affordable housing units – 25 in Louisa County and 17 in Fluvanna County.

The Louisa County complex will include 16 one-bedroom housing units for Senior Living and another 9 nine two-bedroom units for Essential Personnel Housing with a preference for housing local fire, police, EMT, teachers, and county workers.

The Fluvanna County project will include 17 one-bedroom Senior Living housing units.

This initiative represents a milestone in meeting our goal to assist as many of our neighbors as possible!

We are grateful for your support that is critical to meeting the goals of our mission to help as many of our neighbors as possible with a Warm, Safe & Dry home.

Thank you.